I remember I was sitting on the couch. My daughter bounded from the computer desk, having just registered for her junior year in high school. It hit me hard that I didn’t have much time left.
I made a mental checklist for the lessons my wife and I had tried to teach her: the timeless ideas behind individual liberty, free markets, American history… Had we covered all the bases? Probably not. The teaching moments I thought we had nailed…will she remember them?
And even if she does, in college everything’s suddenly new. She’ll view life from very different angles, and some that at first glance might seem at odds with our values.
Timely lessons
The characters in The Bathwater Brigade struggle with how to react to racism and police brutality. Friendships are strained in a world that tells them their worldviews must fit into one of two boxes. Unsatisfied with this choice, they grapple for unity while taking issues head-on.
Key Points they Won’t Get from the Professor
College students are exposed to new facts and concepts (a good thing!) However, those are often either presented in a way that’s not fair, or part of the story is left out (a bad thing!) And when you only get one side, you can’t be blamed for going with it. Inoculate your kids from unknowingly following bad ideas by giving them key I-wish-I-knew-this-in-college points from The Bathwater Brigade.
So, what is the Bathwater Brigade?
Thomas Murner, a contemporary of Christopher Columbus, wrote of the foolishness of being so eager to get rid of something bad, that you destroy the good as well. He famously likened this to throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
The Bathwater Brigade is a fictional intellectual society at a Texas university, started in the 1970s. A band of students watched the modern shifts of civilization, and found that as groups pushed for positive change, they would sometimes lose hard-won ground and freedoms in the process. Applying nuance and unity, and by carefully analyzing goals and solutions, they discovered ways to keep society moving in a positive direction—while keeping the proverbial baby alive and well.
The Bathwater Brigade meets weekly, seeks out the views and opinions of all sides, and members hold each other to high standards, following their rules of civility and consistency. A rubber duck at the door (or on a backpack) signifies that Bathwater Brigade principles are welcomed there.
Gain Powerful Skills
Is this mainly for young adults?
It was written with college students in mind, but we’ve found that it is enjoyed from mid teens through middle age. The principles, lessons, and concepts are applicable to everyone.
Are there additional resources?
We’ve received requests for more from the Bathwater Brigade, and more is on the way! Sign up to be on our email list and we’ll let you know as it becomes available.
Can I get a bulk discount?
If you are ordering 5 or more books, sure! Contact us at info@bathwaterbrigade.com.
Is this a book just for Conservatives?
Party politics are purposely left out. That is part of the story, actually. Conservatives and liberty-minded folk are particularly enjoying this book, but the message and appeal are broader than that.